GödelKeplerLogicMario BeauregardMaterialismMathematicsMax PlanckNewtonPhilosophyPhysicsPlatoScienceUncategorizedWerner Heisenberg “Materialism is false” – Kurt GödelAlthough Kurt Gödel has not become a household name like Albert Einstein, he was one…Dr. John H SpencerMay 16, 2015
AntirealismAtheismGödelLogicMaterialismPhilosophyReligionScienceScientismTheism Is reincarnation logical?"The world in which we live is not the only one in which we shall…Dr. John H SpencerAugust 6, 2014
EinsteinIntuitionLogicPaul DiracPhilosophyPlatoPythagorasScience Was Einstein really a scientist?It may seem absurd to question whether or not Einstein was a scientist, but doing…Dr. John H SpencerApril 27, 2014
LogicLouis CKMysticismPhilosophyReligionScience The snake eats its own head (or, how logic is logically self-defeating)There are many logical systems, which relatively few people actually understand, but they all rest upon…Dr. John H SpencerMarch 17, 2013