GödelKeplerLogicMario BeauregardMaterialismMathematicsMax PlanckNewtonPhilosophyPhysicsPlatoScienceUncategorizedWerner Heisenberg “Materialism is false” – Kurt GödelAlthough Kurt Gödel has not become a household name like Albert Einstein, he was one…Dr. John H SpencerMay 16, 2015
MaterialismMind / BrainNear-death-experience (NDE)PhilosophyPost-materialismPsi researchScienceScientific Materialism The primordial psyche – by Mario Beauregard, Ph.D. (Guest post)Materialism—the idea that matter is the only reality—and reductionism—the notion that complex things can be…Mario Beauregard, Ph.DApril 8, 2015
MathematicsPhilosophyPhysicsScienceSpirituality One eternal mathematical lawCan you disobey the laws of physics? "Every physical aspect of the entire universe must…Dr. John H SpencerDecember 10, 2014
AntirealismAtheismGödelLogicMaterialismPhilosophyReligionScienceScientismTheism Is reincarnation logical?"The world in which we live is not the only one in which we shall…Dr. John H SpencerAugust 6, 2014
EinsteinIntuitionLogicPaul DiracPhilosophyPlatoPythagorasScience Was Einstein really a scientist?It may seem absurd to question whether or not Einstein was a scientist, but doing…Dr. John H SpencerApril 27, 2014
EmpiricismLawrence KraussPhilosophyReligionScience Do all scientists really understand science?Some scientists have a deep understanding of science, but many do not. Being able to…Dr. John H SpencerSeptember 5, 2013
AtheismMax PlanckPhilosophyReligionRichard DawkinsSam HarrisScience Richard Dawkins: faith=nonsense // Max Planck: faith=foundation of scienceRichard Dawkins is former Professor for Public Understanding of Science at Oxford. We could reasonably…Dr. John H SpencerApril 2, 2013
PhilosophyRichard DawkinsScience The pseudoscience of pseudoscienceA pseudoscientific claim purports to be scientific, even though it is not based on the scientific…Dr. John H SpencerMarch 24, 2013
LogicLouis CKMysticismPhilosophyReligionScience The snake eats its own head (or, how logic is logically self-defeating)There are many logical systems, which relatively few people actually understand, but they all rest upon…Dr. John H SpencerMarch 17, 2013
MysticismPhilosophyScienceSocratesSpirituality I don’t really know anything, and neither do youOne of the most important steps on the path of knowledge, whether scientific, spiritual, or…Dr. John H SpencerMarch 10, 2013